The Ironman 70.3 that put me in the Hospital

I awoke from the nothingness with a gasp, crying “I can’t breathe!” I tried to take in breaths but it seemed like my body wasn’t allowing me to do so. My legs and arms were locked up and were starting to go numb. I tried to remember something, anything, about where I was and why I was there, but I couldn’t. I lay there struggling to breathe sure that I soon would take my last breath.

Ironman 70.3 Chattanooga. So many memories at this race. I consider it a hometown race because it’s only two hours from my home in Nashville. I know every twist and turn of the course. It was the first 70.3 triathlon I ever did and I’ll always remember how excited I was to cross that finish line; completing something that I hadn’t entirely thought was possible. Now, years later and jaded to the distance, I was just hoping for a decent race. Last year I had an injury issue and then had a mechanical on the bike portion of the race which lead to a less than stellar finish. I’ve never had a result I’m satisfied with at this event and this year I hoped to change that. I had a good training block leading into the race and I went into weekend excited for the race.

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